Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Life

I have a new student named Sean who is about 8 years old. He originally started with guitar, but didn't like to practice because it hurt his fingers. He is also a very active kid and the guitar teacher couldn't be calmer and more easy-going, so probably their temperaments didn't match either. I've been working with him for about a month, and he has just been soaring in piano. His mom told me yesterday that he practices all the time and earlier this week she asked him how he was liking piano.

He stopped what he was doing and grew serious. "Mom," he said. "It's my life."

Thursday, March 10, 2011


In another lesson with a 9-yr-old who has a fascination with my cell phone, she begged me to let her text herself from my phone to hers. (Because she has a cell phone at 9 years old!!) Against my better judgment I gave her 30 seconds to write and send a message. She wrote "hi friend" and just thought it was the most hilarious thing she'd ever done.

The next evening I got a text message from that number..
"who are you?"

Thankfully I had the sense not to respond. The last thing I want is a flood of texts from a 9-yr-old who can text twice as fast as I can.