Saturday, January 02, 2010

Auld Lang Syne

I wasn't going to go into detail about my pathetic situation, but since I alluded to it and people are asking, I might as well get it over with.

New Year's Eve sucked. Everyone was either out of town or already had plans with their families or significant others, so I spent the evening alone on the couch with episodes of a PBS Special and a cup of coffee. I took a hot bubble bath and tried to convince myself that really this was what I wanted anyway, but it didn't work. It just sucked. I threw in the towel at 11:50 and got into bed. When the fireworks started to go off a few minutes later, I sang Auld Lang Syne to myself, from my bed, in the dark, alone. I felt like Bridget Jones in the opening scene where she tearfully lip-sings All By Myself over a glass of wine.

So I guess 2010 is going to come on in and make itself at home. I'm hoping that after the rocky start to our relationship we get used to each other.

Happy New Year.

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