Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Crisis of Faith

I think I'm having a crisis of faith.
We don't really get to know ever if there really is a divine being that gives a damn about us, do we?
We just have to decide there is or decide there isn't and live life accordingly.
That's really what faith is.. deciding there is without any proof, right?
I think it might really be that simple.

And I suppose, since we never really know, there's no more logic that says there is than that there isn't.
Seems like the difference in living would be the presence of hope.
Relaxing into the belief that something's looking out for me, and it will all be ok in the end.  Freedom and peace.  Versus frantically trying to tip the scales in my favor before the chance passes me by.  Anxiety and worry.
And if I choose to believe, and in the end there was nothing, I still would have lived a life defined by hope, freedom, and peace, rather than one filled with anxiety and worry, right?
Well, if it's just a simple choice in the end, for this life anyway, it seems like an obvious one to me.
Hm, interesting.
Maybe this is a spiritual awakening.

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